
METALESA products have been certified by accreditation bodies.

In terms of vehicle containment systems, our products have passed the demanding full-scale tests established by the regulations in force, with the innovative aspect of using cantilever slabs that reliably simulate a real bridge deck.

  • We have performed the full-scale tests according to Standard EN 1317-1 and -2.
  • We follow the instructions the application of metal parapets: Order-Circular 35/2014 “Application Criteria for Metal Parapets on Roads”.
  • We have the CE marking issued by the certifying body AENOR in accordance with Standard EN 1317-5.
  • We also have the NF Certificate in accordance with French regulations NF 058, certified every year by the ASCQUER body.

As for noise reduction solutions, our acoustic screens have optimal absorption and insulation parameters, as certified in accredited laboratories.

  • We have performed acoustic and mechanical tests according to Standards EN 1793 and 1794.
  • We have the CE marking according to EN 14388 “road traffic noise reducing devices”.
  • Our panels have been acoustically tested for railway applications in accordance with Standards EN 16272-1,2 and EN 16272-3,1.







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