At Metalesa we firmly believe that the key lever to our growth as a family SME is Innovation, and that is the reason why we invest so much in R&D, with our own team of engineers and designers who continuously observe the environment and incorporate the best of other technologically cutting-edge sectors to our product catalogue. Hence, we can offer no only innovative road safety solutions, but also effective and competitive.

Today we want to focus on the METAURBAN®, a vehicle restraint system specially designed for installation on urban or peri-urban roads, and with CE marking.

Our latest flagship product, designed to promote safe sustainable mobility, is already being installed in numerous urban environments and cities due to its great proved performance and elegant aesthetics.

When we think of road safety, what first comes to our minds is cars at high speeds, but statistics go in a very different direction, and that is that urban and local roads are the areas with worse accident and mortality rates.

On the other hand, the massive proliferation of personal mobility vehicles, and the intensive deployment of bike lanes, represent a notable increase in risk and danger, especially for the most vulnerable groups such as children, old people and drivers of bicycles and electric scooters themselves.


Discover all its advantages

METAURBAN® metal parapet has been designed and tested to provide excellent security features in today’s urban environments.

To guarantee its effectiveness in the event of an accident, the METAURBAN® containment system has been rigorously tested through a full-scale crash test, according to the European Standard EN 1317, having satisfactorily passed all the acceptance criteria for the containment level N1, the most suitable for urban environments.

The METAURBAN® metal parapet includes features that make it an essential product for the safety of the most vulnerable users in urban environments, such as pedestrians or cyclists.

  • In addition, it can be perfectly adapted to curved paths.
  • It features an easy assembly and disassembly process if components are damaged by impact; there is no need for weld joints or cuts.
  • Regarding its installation, the parapet has been tested by means of a chemical-fuse anchoring system that protects the concrete band against an impact, allowing its easy replacement in the event of an accident.
  • Great aesthetics, helps that today’s cities maintain their charm
  • The techniques used to guarantee its protection against corrosion like hot-dip galvanizing according to the EN 1461 standard, and thermo-lacquering in the different colors of the RAL chart respectively.
  • Possibility of incorporating the motorcycle protection system (SPM) into the structure.

In summary, with the installation of the METAURBAN® containment system, urban and metropolitan roads with speed limits of 20.30, 50 and 80 km/h, become areas in which travelling is much safer, which will be key for users to lose their fear and adopt new urban sustainable mobility models.

Metaurban® has already reached our cities. Some projects

Metaurban is already a reality in many Spanish cities. Here are some projects that already have our METAURBAN® metal parapet.


Road reconditioning in Bedmar (Jaén)

Pass over A-7 in Estepona (Málaga)


We are proud to think that, thanks to the installation of the METAURBAN® containment system, these urban roads are now much safer, and that with their installation we are increasingly closer to our goal: the protection of people.

If you are an installer, engineer, architect or an individual, and you need guidance about this product, do not hesitate to contact us. Together we will create the safe cities we all deserve to live in.