On Tuesday 19th February, METALESA held the awards ceremony of the 2nd METALESA AWARDS for the best Final Degree Project of the Polytechnic University of Valencia’s School of Civil Engineering.
The first prize in this event went to Ana Rabal Cortés, with her Temporary structure blueprint for an exhibition in Plaza de España in Lorca (Murcia) which, according to the jury, was noteworthy due to “its innovative component in both the structural design and the objective the structure itself”.
Second prize went to Javier Aparici Borrás, José Luis Mocholi Garrido and Carlos Perez Fuentes, who, as a team, presented the Basic gateway project on the river Miño, between the Espacio-Fortaleza park in Goian-Tomiño (Pontevedra, Spain) and O Castelinho in Vila Nova de Cerveira (District of Viana do Castelo, Portugal). Hydraulics, conceptual design and equipment, which, according to the jury, stood out for “the degree of detail used in reaching an optimal solution that is elegant at the same time”.
The event was attended by Dr Luis Montoro González, Professor of Road Safety at the University of Valencia and President of the Spanish Road Safety Foundation, and José Carlos Cucarella, Managing Director of METALESA.